Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

APCC NPCC Partnership Summit 2024

19th - 20th November 2024,
QEII Conference Centre,

In collaboration with theCollege of Policing

Delegate Registration

Enter the verification code that has been sent to you and the code used will decide whether you are booking for one or two days.

Event organisers collect this information to process your registration and communicate about the event.  Your data will only be used for these purposes and will be deleted after the event.  Please check this box to agree to the data usage. (Mandatory)

I agree to have my personal information passed on to the sponsors and exhibitors of this event for the purpose of following up on my interests.
(Optional) I agree to this data usage:

To Note: This year some sponsors and exhibitors will use scanning devices to capture delegate information.  By allowing your badge to be scanned, you agree to receive post-event emails from them.
(Mandatory) I acknowledge this use of my email:

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